Engineering Made Easy


Xerxes delivers intuitive process instrument sizing solutions, empowering businesses to choose perfectly sized instruments, thereby amplifying profits and reducing opportunity costs.


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Xerxes Technologies  provides sizing and selection tools for:  

Control Valves

An optimally sized control valve is key to maximizing profit. ValveGenius SaaS is our tool for selecting and sizing control valves. It uses advanced algorithms to recommend valves based on user requirements.

Pressure Relief  and Safety Valves

PRVGenius and PSV Genius, our pressure relief and safety valve sizing  and selection SaaS is a cloud-based solution that streamlines the process of selecting and sizing pressure relief and safety valves. Leveraging advanced algorithms, it provides optimal valve recommendations based on user-defined parameters.


PumpGenius, our pump sizing and selection SaaS eases the task of choosing and sizing pumps for diverse needs. It employs sophisticated algorithms to suggest the best pump options based on the user’s specific requirements. Its easy-to-use, real-time updating system offers cost-effectiveness and increased productivity, making it a vital resource for those in the fluid handling sector.

Call or leave us a message if you need our engineering  solutions.

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